About Us
That's UrBestSelf
Current studies show: Most people KNOW what they can DO to live a happier, more fulfilling life, but very few people actually do it. This often isn’t due to a lack of discipline or certain abilities, it’s because we’re lacking a reliable and easy system to put theory into practice in our fast-paced everyday lives.
That’s why we, at UrBestSelf, have been specialising on one single thing for years: turning leading research on personal development into the most practical, effective and beautiful journals that get you to APPLY your knowledge.
How? With The 6-Minute-Principle®: practical writing routines that take 6 Minutes a day and help you build tiny habits with huge effects.
With our 6-Minute-Journals, you embark on a journey to your true self every day. Because only within yourself, can you discover the answers that no one else can give you. Without any motivational gibberish, esoteric wishy-washy or fairy dust, you will find out what you really want and unfold what‘s inside you every day – with ease and consistency.
That's The 6-Minute Diary
Our first baby – The 6-Minute Diary – has already become a loyal companion to more than 1,500,000 users worldwide. It is making its way around the globe and is available in 20* different languages.
Almost daily, we receive grateful messages from people who share their happiness journey and tell us about the positive experiences they have made since using The 6-Minute Diary.
Whether it has helped them reach their goals, overcome tough times, improve their relationships or simply go through life in a more self-determined way – all of that positive feedback puts the biggest smile on our faces and reminds us of why we’re doing what we’re doing.
* Chinese, Russian, English, German, Japanese, Turkish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Polish, Dutch, Swedish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Korean, Taiwanese, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Czech

CEO & Author

Chief Creative Officer

Team Assistant

HR & Project Management

Finance Manager

Head of Online Marketing

Customer Happiness Agent

B2B Manager


Editor & Word-Juggler

Senior Designer


Illustration & Communication Design

Supply Chain Manager

Amazon Marketplace Manager

Working Student Amazon

Working Student Marketing

Working Student Supply Chain Managent